Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. – Matthew 11:28-30
Dear GOD,
Oh how I love thee! Thank you for today, the breathe I just took, and the chair I sit in. Above All Thank You! Thank you for my family, for giving me a wonderful father who now joins you in heaven. He is a true blessing and I will care on his legacy of living life to the fullest. Thank you for my mother, yet hard as nails and rocks you gave her to me. She is a pistol and I pray that you keep her safe and show her the ways to live life and give her the strength. Thank you for my beautiful sister - as opposite as me and her are thank you for giving her to my parents. I pray that she seeks you in all that she does. Thank you Lord, for Cody and Reese whom have made my beautiful sister smile again. I pray that her and Cody seek you in their engagment, marriage, and all that they do. Protect little Reese, as he plays outside and as he plays with Salem. I pray that his seziures will not take him out of this world. Lord keep him safe. Lord, thank you so ever so much for sending Salem to our family he has brought laughter back into this house when it was so empty after daddy died. Thank you! Lord, I pray for my best friends Meredith and Russell. I pray that you put your love and your hands on the both of them and keep them safe. I pray to you that Russell finds a job, that one thing will be less stressful on them. I pray Lord you give Meredith the strength this year to grieve over loosing her father. Give her the courage to know that it will never better but it will be easier because you are her true FATHER and if she always keeps her eyes on you she will never be alone. I pray for their marriage, their future children, and their families. I pray that raise their children as wonderful and happily as they both plan too. Let them be healthy, strong, and GOD loving children. Dear Lord of Wonders, I pray for Robbie. I pray that Robbie as she goes to graduate school on Thursday. Give her to strength she can do all things if she seeks you first. Guard her heart, and protect her safe not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. I pray for her family, and keep them all safe and let them seek you in all their decesions they make. I rise Robbie up too you and lead her not to the path of tempetation. Lord, I pray for Lorna's family. I know that it is not easy for them right now, and perhaps it will never be. But, I left everyone of them up to you. Put your hands all around them. I pray that Dakota feels his mother's love all around him. And, know that he will indeed see her again. Lord, I pray for my friends in Magnolia. Some of them know you and some of them do not. I pray for the one's that do not find GOD's love in me or anyone else they pass and choose to pick up their cross and follow you as well. I pray for the ones who are Christian's. I pray as they work hard this week, as they prepare for the days ahead. Give them another day Lord. Let them know I love them all, and even though I have not seen them or probably will not see them as much. Let them know I love them and I am praying for them today Lord. Dear Lord, watch over Joshua. He is going through alot right now, he is working full time and going to school. He needs you Lord, I know he is a Christian but give him one more day LORD. Give him the drive that not only do I believe in him, but you believe in him. I pray for the man I was with for three years and you know who he is. I forgive him, Lord! I can not do this anymore to myself, I need to stop blaming myself for the pain he caused. The reason I cry at night is not because I am scared, it is because I feel like I am still being punished for the sin(s) that I did when I was with him. Oh, Lord I fall on my knees please forgive me. I want to scream, I want to punch something, but I know that is not the answer. Lord, I hide my face in so much shame because of him. I am scared to trust because of him, Oh Father please forgive me. Forgive me, for I do not want to walk around in shame or doubt anymore. I do not like to worry if people are talking about me because of him. My heartbreaks for him, how can a Christian man do this to someone? It is not my place to judge him, but Father I ask to protect him and his family. And, even though he might not see he did wrong....forgive him as well. I plan on being the stronger woman and forgive him, for I know you have forgiven me. Lord, I pray for our troops in the services keep them strong, and let them turn to you and return home to us safely. Protect the wives, the children, the mothers, the fathers, who have to wait everyday to know that if they son or daughter made it another day on this earth. Lord, protect their hearts. Lord, I pray for my wonderful readers. Most of which, I do not know in "real-life" but in your heart and eyes we are all brothers and sisters. I love them all so much. That is why I tell them at the end of every blog I love them. Becuase I truely do, and you never know that might be the only time they hear it in their life. Lord, I am drying my eyes and opening my ears to you and know that you have me in the palms of your hands. I pray that I will be a good counselor, a good student, a good wife, mother, best friend, blogger, girlfriend, and strength to the world. Forgive me Lord when I have fallen, help me back up. Dust me off and put me back on the trail of life. Even though I know it is a very long path and I may get scared time and time again. I know that you are always with me, when I stop to take a nap you guard me as I sleep. When I stop to eat, your there having food with me. I know you are with me always. Thank you, for sending your SON to die on the cross for us. I plan to Keep My Eyes On The SON, and never loose track of him. That is why I named my blog this because even though we all get lonely or scared, your always with us. Either one step ahead of us or one step behind us. Oh, I love you and thank you for making me the person I am and will become. Thank you for my tears I cry and the laugh I have. Give my dad a hug for me and tell him I love him. With all my love, Lindsey.
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."